Welcome to the Natural Learning Center, Eindhoven.

We are a small-scale learning environment - also known as a B3 school - located in Blixembosch for children aged 4 to 13, where we create a safe and supportive environment for children to discover, explore and grow.

natural learning center eindhoven

We believe in the power of natural learning.

Trust is at the heart of our approach - we trust that children are naturally motivated to learn and that this learning takes place continuously in a safe and stimulating environment. Our goal is to create a space where children feel free to ask questions without judgment and to follow their unique interests and aspirations.

While supporting emotional well-being.

Research shows that when children feel safe - treated without judgment, kindly and respectfully, and valued for their differences - their neurological system functions optimally. This increases their ability to learn and grow. Our goal is to help children use their time with us to develop essential life skills, including emotional intelligence, self-expression and critical thinking.

Our Values

Natural learning and intrinsic motivation are key components of effective teaching. Encouraging children to pursue their interests leads to genuine engagement and deeper understanding. This approach not only fosters a love of learning, but also helps children develop critical thinking, creativity and an enduring enthusiasm for exploration.



When children feel safe - without being judged, treated with kindness and respect, and valued for their differences - their neurological system works optimally, increasing their ability to learn and grow. We want children to feel that all parts of their being are welcome and supported.



We recognize that each child is an individual with unique experiences and needs. We seek to create a safe, supportive environment that promotes healing and resilience. We encourage children without using punishments or rewards, focusing instead on acceptance and quality attention to their emotions.



Please contact us

Want to know more? Would you like to visit our school? Send us a message and we will contact you soon.